Wednesday 6 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task I feel like we improved a lot in term of media and editing however we are still have much to learn as we are not professionals. In our first task we had no idea what we are going to do while in final project we had a script of what comes first and last, we had everything planned even emergency plan if something went wrong like if camera broke or while filming weather turned really bad. Our preliminary task was shot literally in one day for 10 minutes while we put a lot of effort and time in our final video. However it helped us to have fun and mess around while playing with various techniques like camera shots that we could use later on. In our preliminary task we have recorded really bad and had to cut out a lot of scenes and ended up having not enough which thought us to record more just in case we dint like what we see or we make some kind of mistake during filming. 
In the end we were more experienced then we were when we were starting. During experimenting we figured out which programs we could use in our editing and which is more suitable and easy to use. I feel like without doing the preliminary task I wouldn't be able to even start editing final piece and wouldn't have as much knowledge about editing, shooting and media in general as I do now.

Our preliminary task:

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