Wednesday 6 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

These are our 9 screen grabs, most of them are long shots showing the scene and locations that is commonly used in fantasy films whether it is fantasy in magical world or not its important to show audience the place that the shot is set in. We showed the murder scene in 5th screenshot and in 7th one there are our two murders and main character in a medium shot so the audience can guess what will happen next.

Screenshots 8 and 9 are close ups on our main characters face showing body language and expressions which is important in any movie because it can tell a lot about how the characters are feeling and it makes it more realistic. 

In the screenshot 2 and 3 we have used shot reverse shot technique because they were talking with each other and it showed who exactly was talking and who the audience should look at. 

By using conventions of fantasy themed films we had an idea of what our opening can look like however it wasn't just simple fantasy with dragons and fairies so it wasn't so predictable and boring and we could hit our audience target.

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