Wednesday 6 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task I feel like we improved a lot in term of media and editing however we are still have much to learn as we are not professionals. In our first task we had no idea what we are going to do while in final project we had a script of what comes first and last, we had everything planned even emergency plan if something went wrong like if camera broke or while filming weather turned really bad. Our preliminary task was shot literally in one day for 10 minutes while we put a lot of effort and time in our final video. However it helped us to have fun and mess around while playing with various techniques like camera shots that we could use later on. In our preliminary task we have recorded really bad and had to cut out a lot of scenes and ended up having not enough which thought us to record more just in case we dint like what we see or we make some kind of mistake during filming. 
In the end we were more experienced then we were when we were starting. During experimenting we figured out which programs we could use in our editing and which is more suitable and easy to use. I feel like without doing the preliminary task I wouldn't be able to even start editing final piece and wouldn't have as much knowledge about editing, shooting and media in general as I do now.

Our preliminary task:

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

One of our main equipment was my camera nikon d3100. It allowed us to get some decent looking footage and was easy to use however this camera is not suitable for film making but for photography or at least with the lens that I had. The only downside to it was the lens and the fact i didnt have a tripod and some of the shots were shaky.
To edit our videos we used adobe premiere pro which was a nightmare because it kept on crashing and didn't accept many formats of videos (mp3 mainly) but also i have used Sony Vegas which helped a lot and was easier to use.

Evaluation- Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract teenagers and young adults we used social media - Facebook. We created a Facebook page for our movie. We have asked questions like what should we name our characters and such, our friends did precipitate and quite few random strangers. 

This way we allowed out audience to interact with us and help us develop our ideas which really helped us because we didn't use only our preference in the product. 
We also used it for various announces like what name the film has which is "Dead Alive" and what did we name our main character which is quite important. It felt natural to use Facebook as our audience uses it daily basis so they could relate comment and share their thoughts. This might have a huge impact on the audience and the decision whether to watch the movie or not. We also posted photos of our characters presented as normals teenagers and some behind the scene moments and photos.

Our product wasn't only fantasy but had mystery in it so it becomes more interesting for young people as they are curious about what will happen which makes people want to watch it. Mystery usually is unpredictable as well so lots of people any age enjoy to watch this kind of films.

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product are teenagers and young adults. We have previously done a questionnaire to help us decide on which genre and what target audience we should aim at. 

Our target audience will probably be normal teenagers-young adults that like fantasy themed things like films, games or clothing/make up.

  • These people probably will shop at usc,new look or h&m as these shops are aimed at their age group.
  • They may be big fans of tv shows like skins which is about young adults life, harry potter which is fantasy or something like vampire diaries which is really popular among teen audience or any other mystery-fantasy themed films/tv shows. 
  • Their hobbies may include watching tv shows/film, reading books, hanging out with friends or going to film/book conventions. 
  • The music that this kind of audience can be anything popular like pop e.g. Taylor Swift or Rihanna.

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

To distribute a movie you need a company that could possibly invest in your product and cover the costs of distribution and crew and other needed things.

Low budget products like ours are less likely to get financed due to unknown actors, not expensive props or equipment used. Due to lack of these things people are less likely to want to watch it because there is nothing to look at and that can catch your attention so while producing a low budget film you need to keep these things in mind and try to make it look really good to catch audiences attention. 

I have researched  for a company that might have invest in low budget film company and I came across Fox Searchlight Pictures, 
                    File:Fox Searchlight Pictures.PNG
It is a company that distributes many low-budget films, many of which have performed very well at the worldwide box office. It is common, though, for contemporary low-budget films to be produced without a distributor. Some of really successful films that they distributed includ  Napoleon DynamiteJuno, and Slumdog Millionaire.

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our main character in our film opening is a teenager girl called Emily Everson . She is murdered and has to figure out who killed her and why. 

Based on questionnaire we have chosen our film opening to be mainly for teenagers and young adults so having young people in our opening will have an impact on how and what our audience will look at our project.

Evaluation - Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

These are our 9 screen grabs, most of them are long shots showing the scene and locations that is commonly used in fantasy films whether it is fantasy in magical world or not its important to show audience the place that the shot is set in. We showed the murder scene in 5th screenshot and in 7th one there are our two murders and main character in a medium shot so the audience can guess what will happen next.

Screenshots 8 and 9 are close ups on our main characters face showing body language and expressions which is important in any movie because it can tell a lot about how the characters are feeling and it makes it more realistic. 

In the screenshot 2 and 3 we have used shot reverse shot technique because they were talking with each other and it showed who exactly was talking and who the audience should look at. 

By using conventions of fantasy themed films we had an idea of what our opening can look like however it wasn't just simple fantasy with dragons and fairies so it wasn't so predictable and boring and we could hit our audience target.

Final product

This is our final video:


We needed a small group of people in our project so we asked few people to help us.

The pain character was played by Kayleigh Collingwood
Rest of the friends were played by Elliott Dobslaw, James Thomas and Samuel Burton 
The murders where also played by Elliot and Samuel because the other two who were supposed to do it dropped out last minute however we got some dark hoodies that they could wear so it doesnt exactly look like them.

Elliot and Sam with their dark hoodies on.

Our company

We have created a logo for our "company", as our film opening is fantasy themes we used a unicorn and Disney-like font. We used name "Fantasy Productions" because we wanted to make it simple yet linking to what we are doing and what theme it is.


We created a facebook page about our film opening to interact with the audience.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Fantasy moodboard

I did a quick moodboard of fantasy themed films. Some od them are not only fantasy but for example are comedy like "Ted".

Monday 27 April 2015


Possible places we could film:
-Katie's house
-Road near forest/park (not busy one)

-Fake blood
-Camera (we can use mine)
-Spare batteries/camera bag/lenses
-Some source of light

Camera angles/shots/movements:
-close ups - extreme close ups (to show what's happening and get a closer look on their facial expressions that will show certain emotions)

The music should be creating tension but still be fantasy-like melody.
(see separate post for "sounds ideas")
We wont really use any script for this as we will put music over pretty much whole opening.

Monday 9 February 2015

Sound ideas

The soundtrack should be fantasy themed creating tension, preferably should switch from happy to sad tune to fit the opening scenes.

Adrian Von Ziegler: - Forest Children - Vision (about halfway in) - Bound


Monday 19 January 2015

Detailed research into chosen genre - Fantasy

What goes into fantasy?

In fantasy films, the hero often undergoes some kind of mystical experience, and must ask for aid from powerful, superhuman forces on the outside. Ancient Greek mythological figures or Arabian Nights-type narratives are typical storylines. Flying carpets, magic swords and spells, dragons, and ancient religious relics or objects are common elements. Bizarre and imaginary, invented lands include sci-fi worlds, unreal worlds, fairy tale settings, or other whimsical locales (e.g., Shangri-La or Brigadoon). The earliest sci-fi writers (H. G. Wells and Jules Verne) created fantastic worlds and/or journeys - the subject matter of many fantasy films.