Monday, 13 October 2014

Opening scene analysis

The scene starts up with a close up on man face, or rather eyes are catching most of the viewer attention. These kind of angles are here to make you focus on character and his feelings, with this close up you can clearly see the man eyes expressions and what he does with his eyebrows that suggests his thoughts on situation he is in. After they moved into a extreme close up that shows the man shoulders and up. The background is blurred so the audience is still focused on the man and his expressions. As they went to that close up you can clearly see man's whole face and you can see better how is he feeling by looking at him, his mouth, how he speaks and what faces he does. You can clearly see he is not happy at that time from his face and the fact that he is shaking in anger, blurred backgrounds helps here to see his movement and makes him stand out. Then there is a high angle shot from behind of the man that was used to show where is he now,what's the surroundings like and what is he doing. Then there is close up at a newspaper, most of it is blurred but not the head title that was bold and big, that they zoomed out from to see second heading that was also bold and sanded out. The next scene is in Hermione's room, there is a window which through you can see that is raining which makes the scene depressed as clearly the character looks sad, her shoulders are lowered and she's looking on the floor. The room has cold colours and dark shade that makes it depressing and sad. Then they used a extreme close up to show her sad face expression to match the atmosphere where the background was blurred but you could still see the rain and the dark room. Afterwards there is change of scene in which they used a high angle to show the surrounding and what is happening and where at the moment. Then they used a extreme close up on Harry looking through the window, so with all the scenes that show surroundings then one of the characters viewer can guess its what happening to them or in their surrounding. Then there is tilt upwards the big house that turns into high angle shot and then shows the front of the house which zooms out to see another character and uses extreme close up to show his feelings. All the scenes are dark, gloomy and sad which suggest that something bad/sad is about to happen or it already did happen in the film. This opening is the main scene to catch viewer attention and make them stay and watch more, as it is mysterious and dark people get curious and wants too se what will happen next.

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